January 6th- My first day I walked into 1 South Broad street and went up to the 24th floor. I met with Jen in HR down on the 17th floor first, filled out some papers and signed my 5 week contract for my internship. Jen then gave me a whole tour of Red Tettemer and introduced me to everyone. While I was walking around the floors, my photo was being sent out to all the employees to see my face. Intimidating of course. Previously I had met Steph, who I was going to be interning under, so finally I was meeting her for the first time. She was a VC graduate from Del in 2007 and seems to really fit in.
Red Tettemer is very eclectic, red tilled floors and royal blue walls on every floor. There is an in-house cat named Woodie and an 8 month chiwawa names knit. Every wall is covered with things such as, signs, posters and sculptures. Every office is closed in by a glass window. Each office is decorated to suit the designers within. The
I was then shown to my desk where three computers are lined up. There are 3 interns now counting me but I am the only full time intern. The other two girls split up the week. I get the middle desk and my own computer. Quickly following, Steph comes out to show me the ropes and what I will be working on. Honestly I didn’t think I would be working on anything that extensive on the first day, but it needed to be done. Its for a bran call Scape Nation, a company that designs brands for tweens. My job for the day was to create accessories for this brand. The job jacket entails that we are creating a virtual reality world for this website and my part was to help create accessories.
After the first day, I could not believe how tired I was and how long a days worth of work means. That week I kept of working on Tween accessories and various other assignments like First person Arts, which is a supporter of independent artists in philly and there modo is “everyone has a story” .
So tired for the first week, I came back from work and watched tv and made dinner. I was in bed by 1030 at the latest.
Jan 13th- So I didn’t tell you where I am living for the next month- off of South Warnock Street, Philadelphia almost in center city but really in Little Italy.
I was set up by Scholl who knew some Delaware graduates that had an extra room. Their apt is right off of South street in between 11th and 10th. The girls are very nice and super accommodating. There are 3 floors and I stay on the top floor. Pretty nice set up, I have my own room and only share the bathroom with one of the girls. I walk to work every morning, straight down 11th and turn left on chestnut. The walk is about 20 mins give or take which isn’t bad at all.
I love philly, it is full of art and good places to eat. I have to say I am proud of myself because I have not been shopping yet, but that might be changing very soon. The city is so small which I like and I think its just the type of city I would like to start out in.
Jan 15th- I have spent most of this week working hands on for the First Person Arts postcard. There type of work like I said before was very handmade and taped together. Taped together in the sense that its piecing the artists’ story together. “everyone has a story” This project I can pretty much say I made. www.firstpersonarts.com is where it will be posted eventually.
Jan 16th - Week two was pretty much the same as week 1. I continued to worked on Tween accessories and then worked on a first person arts postcard and business card again. On Fridays we get free lunch, thankfully because I’ve been sick of bringing pb and j everyday. But we had the best pizza from this pizza joint called Zio’s.
Intern Suzy and I left early to make out way out to North Philly to the Crane Building, for the AIGA poster competition. The poster competition was on sustainability and there were about 300 submissions all put up. I can say that we probably should of put posters in but I was unimpressed by the majority of them. The top prize was redonk, CS4 suite, not cool. I saw Ashley and Tricia there walking around and they gave me some cool places to check out and I found some on my own. So if anyone need art stores or restaurants or nice places to go in Philly let me know.
Jan 17th- I had Charles come and visit me and we went all around Philadelphia’s Society Hill. We went to the liberty bell which I had not seen since it was enclosed. So crowded with kids and tourists. Then we went to this exhibition at the Convention Center Hall called “America I Am”. It was the history of African Americans and their path to freedom up until present day 2009. I mean with Obama becoming president it was pretty amazing to learn more in full the history from beginning to present time. I am so excited to watch the inauguration and hear the speech of our first African American President Barack Obama.
Week of the 19th- Went home for family matters. Although the circumstances of being home, I was happy to be with my liberal family watching the inauguration.
Jan 28th- With only two weeks left and missing one week I wanted to make the ending awesome. I asked to more then the two clients I had been working on, but they didn’t have much…yeah so they gave me back the handmade postcard and told me to redo it for the 9th time. I have learned while being at Red Tettemer that you have to be patient as hell because clients change their minds over and over again, even if it did take me hrs to make. But o well I got the practice and hands on break I wanted. I worked on some other various logos for a branch of Pennsylvania called “open for business” and two of them went to the finals to be used. I never did ask whose got chosen.
Jan 30th- Back working on Tweens accessories…but we are getting to test out our avatars and go online and set up trial runs with the accessories. It was sick nasty to see something you worked on for so long being produced for the world to see. I cant even imagine most of the creative staff have been working for this client for over a year and its just now STARTing to be launched. It has about another year they say to be complete. Agony, but rewarding.
Feb 3rd- I cant believe its already February and the last week has arrived. My mission is to cram pack this week with all the places I need to go. I will forever be working on the tween accessories I am sure. But this isn’t just about the internship for me, its also about being on your own in a unfamiliar place and feeling out a city and becoming a custom to the surroundings. I went into Blick tonight. I was like a kid in a candy store…left and right putting things into my shopping cart. I know you all know what I am talking about, just going up and down every isle, heaven. I spent 2 hours in Blick, they have an awesome section with books and gifts and just girfty stuff.
Blick is located on Chestnut between Juniper and 13th street
Picked up some thank you presents for Steph and Boss Man Bryon. Clearly got Steph a sushi stapler, a girfty food calendar and a disposable camera with a red exposure flash. And for Bryon I got a gift certificate to a restaurant called “Friday Saturday Sunday”
Feb 5th- My dad came up for dinner last night and we tried out this Spanish tapas and wine bar called Tinto’s. It was amazing food and interesting combinations to try. Always nice to have a piece of home come and visit. But before he visited I went to Buffalo Exchange a thrift store that most people in Philly have been to or have heard of. It was great, took me forever to sift through all the stuff but I ended up with some cool shirts. Successfully the only things I really bought in philly besides maybe some boots…esshh.
Feb 6th- Last day. Overall I think I was successful in helping the design team in every way I could. Although hard at times, I was learning and practicing my skills.
I packed up my comps and belongings, gave my gifts out then continued to say my goodbyes. Everyone was sad to see my go but wished me luck…hoping that I come back soon. I am going to keep in touch with them for sure.
It was First Friday and all the galleries were opening at 7, so I rushed out to meet my roommates for a farewell dinner at Melting Pot. I only got to make it to a few of the small galleries but I definitely want to go back up there.
OK time to pack it up. I'm thinking I will be back in Philly soon enough!
Here is a quick list of places if you want to check them out.
Restaurants in Philadelphia:
Raw- (215) 238-1903
1225 Sansom street and 13th
El Vez- (215)928-9800
121 S 13th St and Sansom
Friday, Saturday, Sunday- (215) 546-4232
261 south 21st street
Alma De Cuba- (215) 98-1799
1623 walnut street
Tinto- (215) 665-9150
114 South 20th Street
Vesuvio Bar and restaurant-
736 S 8th St, Philadelphia, PA -
(215) 922-8380
Space 1026- (215) 574-7630
1026 arch street
2nd floor
Gallery Joe- (215) 592-7752
304 arch street
Vox Populi Gallery (215)238-1236
319 north 11th street
3rd floor
Art supplies:
Taws- 1527 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA- (215) 563-8742
Blick- 1330 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA(215) 545-3214
Pearl- 417 South St, Philadelphia, PA - (215) 238-1900
Utrecht- 2020 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA - (215) 563-5600
301 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA - (215) 546-7798
Buffalo Exchange- 1713 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA- (215) 557-9850
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